Bullet Slip Sinkers

"Texas Rigging
& the Slide"
The Bullet Slip Sinker was originally designed for
Texas rigging of plastic worms. Put the sinker on the line, tie
on the worm hook, thread the hook into the worm, and let the sinker
slide down to the head of the worm. This presentation puts the worm
in a vertical presentation, with the bait in a natural state and
the hook in perfect position for a solid hook set. Want another great
use for this sinker? Saltwater anglers who fish for albacore use
theses sinkers to fish the slide. The slide is the time when the
boat shuts down power after a trolling jig strike to get the troll
fish reeled in. Knowledgeable anglers will drop a bait back quickly
during the slide to catch schooling albacore that follow the troll
hooked fish towards the boat. These anglers put the bullet slip
sinker backwards above the hook, with the tapered end facing the
hook, and the flared end facing the angler. The flared end of the
sinker catches water and puts the bait back to the fish quicker.
It also breaks the plane of water around the bait (usually fragile
anchovies), helping the bait stay on the hook and alive.

To purchase your Bullet Slip Sinker mold, click on
the PayPal "Add to Cart" button below to buy online, or
you can download our catalog
and order either via US mail or by telephone!