"The Best
Moving Water Sinkers"
Pyramid sinkers are very good in moving water because
of the large proportion of holding power to weight ratio. Just look
at that large triangle (all holding power). In sandy or muddy bottoms
that large triangle also prevents the sinker from rolling. We have
some big friends that use the giant 3 sided pyramid sinkers (8oz
and larger) to cast into a "honey hole" way out in the
Columbia River using a three way swivel. The sinker is on a leader
just strong enough to do its sinking and holding job. When a salmon or sturgeon takes the bait, the leader is broken
and the main line is free to fight the fish. In fast, deep rivers,
these gigantic pyramids stay where you want them.

To purchase your Pyramid Sinker mold, click on the
PayPal "Add to Cart" button below to buy online, or you
can download our catalog
and order either via US mail or by telephone!